Quote of the Day (like I'm gonna update daily):
"98% of people will die at some point in their lives." ~ Ricky Bobby
I thought I would start this out with something entertaining, cause the rest is gonna be kind of boring.
How is it that after I get really far behind with my schoolwork, but finally start making my way down a path to catching up... I rediscover this blog?
Apparently, I'm the epitome of failure in regard to productivity. In fact, I am writing this while I should be reading about the consequences of the American Revolution for women. I think I may just be a lost cause.
I know I don't update much, but like in the other apology-for-not-updating-enough blog, I must point out the fact that I have homework to do (though I may end up on Facebook for hours and not do any work). This may make me sound like a social fail (I am; that's just not why), but I usually fail at doing homework for more worthy reasons.... like reading!
I am a somewhat obsessed with books. In fact, I have spent - quite literally - thousands of dollars on books in my life time (Barnes and Noble should give me stock options.), and I'm not even that old. Those that have visited my house, know I have a rather large bookcase filled with the Pages of Heaven (Yes, I did just called them that.) that I cherish greatly. Of course, like blogging, I rediscovered my love for reading, after a multiple year lull, right before the school year started.
I am the Master of Perfect Timing.
Anyway, I have a habit of planning to rotate fun-reading (novels) and WTFKILLMENOW reading (textbooks). This, however, does not work all that well, because, while I usually get through the first set of textbook readings, things always go down hill from there. It is upon the conclusion of that first set of torture that I would usually plan on taking a short break to read 20 pages or so of reading goodness. Unfortunately, this "short break" usually turns in to a "rest of the day break" because I end up wanting to finish the entire book.* This, of course, leaves no time for homework, so you can see how my productivity level is so low. Similarly, other people may use books to help them fall asleep at night, but when I try this it just results in me staying up until 6 AM to finish reading the book in question. The point is: I love reading, and if you do too, make a point to talk to me about it!
I would, at this point, like to ask if anyone has any good book recommendations, but I will refrain from doing this, since no one actually reads this blog, and doing so would just make me feel like even more of a fail (cause I'd get no responses). Instead, I will promise you that I will post my first blog on a book I just read... within the next week! And if I do not do so, the one or two friends who actually pay attention to the Holy Tangent have permission to smack me (I am tempted to not write it just to see how many of my dear friends actually read this.).
I would also like to take this time to promise to edit the Hong Kong entries and add one on Bali. Originally, I planned on doing an entry for each day in Bali, but I have decided not to for 2 reasons.
1. Too many of the days would just be like: "Napped at pool in tropical paradise."
2. It was too long ago; I barely remember what I did.
So, instead, I will simply highlight the best parts for your reading entertainment!
Oh, and you can rest assured that there is a reasonably good chance that I will actually update a bit more frequently this month, cause it's almost.... drum roll... SPRING BREAK. Thank God.
I will end with something entertaining, as well:
* A similar principle can be applied to naps. Because I go to bed so late, I that am often forced to take naps the next day out of sheer exhaustion. I usually plan said naps to be an hour or so, which is all fine and good, but I've come to learn that a nap for me averages about 4 hours. Sometimes as much as 5 or 6. This is especially a fail when I wake up at 10 PM with a plan to go to bed at midnight.
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